On 10/26/10, two articles addressing the 27th Assembly District, were published in The Sheboygan Press. One was a candidate comparison and the other an editorial endorsement. Over the last several years I have been critical of the coverage provided by The Press, and critical of the fact that they seem to resist publishing positions and public awareness info that Steve Kestell and Joe Leibham have attempted to provide them. However, I did feel that they provided a fair and unbiased assessment of Mr. Kestell and myself in both articles. I believe that the quote and commentary were quite accurate based on my observations, interviews and participation over the past four months.
I can fully appreciate their endorsement of Mr. Kestell because I politely advised The Press I was not interested in their endorsement. I would, however, like to highlight and critique several of the quotes and statements of Mr. Kestell.
1. "Kestell, a Republican, is seeking a seventh 2-year term."
This is precisely why I believe we need term limits. If you cannot accomplish the job in six terms during both Republican and Democratic administrations, why should we expect a 7th term will be any different. WE NEED TERM LIMITS!
2. Kestell said, "I understand how the system works and how to get things done. I have a good working relationship in the legislature - so no matter who the next governor is, and however the next legislature looks, I'll be able to work within the system."
My comment would be - Oh, really! I believe this entire statement confirms the primary issue. The "system" we have isn't working. The relationships are precisely part of the problem. It is the "Good Ol' Boys" group in action. They are beholden to the relationships and the system and it isn't working. I have continued to hear the whining and finger-pointing throughout the campaign, we are in the minority and it is the other guys fault. This defines the problem precisely. Incumbents think they know the system and they are cozy with their relationships. It is called "go-along to get-along". That is why we need new independent thinking.
3. "Kestell, who said he had knocked on more than 10,000 doors during his campaign, said his position on any issue comes from what the people of the 27th are telling me."
My question: I also knocked on doors and my experience was that many of the people I met didn't know of or never met Steve during the last six terms. Why hasn't Steve held town hall meetings with the district citizens in cities, villages and townships? He describes his occupation as a full-time legislator - even though the role of an assemblyman is not defined as such. If he cannot hold his own meetings, he at least should attend the meetings held by Joe Leibham throughout the 27th District. I have been to many and have not seen Steve at any of them. It is a good place to sit and "listen" to the people. Further, why doesn't Steve write informative articles to the local paper like Joe Leibham does?
4. Steve expresses concerns regarding the Department of Commerce in the Sheboygan Press article.
Yes, this Department is and has been a boon-doggle, so why hasn't Steve been traveling the district before the campaign and addressing the public with communication to exert pressure and wrath upon the culprits? With jobs being a major issue, this Department, the head of the Department, the Governor who appoints him or her, and the bureaucrats running it, should have been discussed regularly. Well, I guess better late than never.