I was born and raised in Kiel, Wisconsin and attended the Kiel Schools. During grade school and high school I performed a variety of jobs to save money for college. I attended and graduated from Lakeland College debt free, all while starting a family.
After college, I taught high school in Milwaukee. Thereafter, I made a career change and joined Tecumseh Products Company in New Holstein, Wisconsin. My work focused on sales management, working with both domestic and international manufacturers. Also, during the past four decades, my wife and I have owned and operated our own independent business.
I have been married to Jermaine Brost for 49 years and we have two children, Lori and Jay.
During school I was actively involved in numerous extracurricular activies and jobs and developed a love of music. I have been a member of the Kiel Municipal Band, the Dave Seehawer Orchestra, the Jerry Schneider Orchestra and also played with various other dance bands. I played piano and organ in church, taught Sunday School, directed children and adult choirs, served on the church consistory and was president of the congregation.
I have always tried to remain active in our educational system and other civic opportunities. I have served on a variety of committees over the past decades and was a Kiel School Board member for two terms.
After college, I taught high school in Milwaukee. Thereafter, I made a career change and joined Tecumseh Products Company in New Holstein, Wisconsin. My work focused on sales management, working with both domestic and international manufacturers. Also, during the past four decades, my wife and I have owned and operated our own independent business.
I have been married to Jermaine Brost for 49 years and we have two children, Lori and Jay.
During school I was actively involved in numerous extracurricular activies and jobs and developed a love of music. I have been a member of the Kiel Municipal Band, the Dave Seehawer Orchestra, the Jerry Schneider Orchestra and also played with various other dance bands. I played piano and organ in church, taught Sunday School, directed children and adult choirs, served on the church consistory and was president of the congregation.
I have always tried to remain active in our educational system and other civic opportunities. I have served on a variety of committees over the past decades and was a Kiel School Board member for two terms.
Over the years, and especially in the last ten, I have paid close attention to the operations of our local, state and federal governments. I have attended many listening sessions held by local, state, and federal officials and visited the Capitol in Madison to have discussions with our “so-called” leaders and elected officials. I also make frequent calls to the offices and know the staff of most of our elected officials by first name.
Really, all of the foregoing biographical data is informational but it doesn't reveal the meat or reason for my candidacy.
What I really want to have an opportunity to address is twofold.....will you vote and why should you vote for me?
I am not running in an effort to begin a new career. I am running for this state office because I want to TRY to make a difference. I presently see many public officials only displaying indifference, and unfortunately, that translates into many citizens believing there is no hope, no future and no chance to return to sanity. This, I have found, has even reached the point where people say, “Why vote, it doesn’t pay, they just get elected and do what they want. They really don’t care about the people.” Isn’t this a shame?
Voting is free and the right to vote is there to preserve your freedom. By not casting a vote, you start to give up your freedom, and unfortunately, many of our public officials thrive on this complacency.
I will not make any false promises to you and will not tell you about all I can accomplish. I cannot tell you about hope and change because someone already did that two years ago and you can see where that got us.
Here is what I will tell you. I am hard-working, I want to represent you the people. I will try to listen to you, the citizens, and get your input. I will dig for the truth and for answers. I will try to keep you informed and communicate with you. I want to do my best to represent school, township, village, city and county government and try to deal with the issues that impact us.
This is not about me, it is about you, your families and our future generations. I can’t guarantee anything except that if I am given a chance, I will try to make a difference. I realize this won’t be easy, but no one ever promised us that life would be easy.
Here are my topics of concern:
- We need term limits for our state and federally elected officials.
- We need to have more local government control.
- We need citizens to be more active, vocal and demanding of elected officials.
- We need elected officials who care about the people – not about their own career or pensions.
- We need to preserve and create jobs in Wisconsin.
- We need to create and operate on balanced budgets.
- We need to reduce government spending.
- We should not be creating new fees, licenses or taxes.
- We need to get rid of the prevailing wage laws.
- We need to eliminate and stop creating unfunded mandates.
- We need to return to a government that is as Lincoln said, “of the people, by the people and FOR the people.”
- We need to return to common sense and get rid of the Good ole’ boy groups who tell us they want to reach across the aisle or be more bi-partisan.
I am not running as a member of one of the Parties. I am independent of their rules.
Independent thinking - Independent decisions - Not beholden to any party.
I would appreciate your consideration in the election. But most importantly, PLEASE VOTE.
If you decide to vote for me, I will truly try to make a difference.