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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Local Government in Action

This past week, I had another opportunity to witness the concerns and dedication of local government officials in action.  I attended a meeting of the Townships in Calumet County.  It was hosted by the Town of Rantoul in Potter.

I arrived half an hour early and I heard the conversations of the people as they arrived.  As I listened, it was obvious I was listening to the grass-root citizens of our society.  The informal dialogue included all the real life concerns the people were faced with daily - weather, crops, schools, roads, and taxes.

When the meeting began, you could recognize and sense the awareness of the local officials.  They covered issues regarding road maintenance, prevailing wage  laws, unfunded mandates, new fees - all of the issues which impacted the local governments.

You can only leave a meeting like this being impressed and thankful for "real" public servants.