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Friday, October 15, 2010

Why am I running as an Independent?

When I filed my nomination papers at the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board (WGAB) office, I was surprised to learn that I was only asked to provide my name, address and phone.  I was not asked for proof of who I was nor did I need to show any photo ID.  I didn't need to prove I was a resident of the area that I was intending to represent.  Interesting?

Next, I needed to fill in a blank with my "Party Affiliation".  I wrote in None/Independent.  I was told this was unsatisfactory.  It is not possible to say None - you must have a party affiliation.  I responded that I did not want to be associated with any party and if there is an organized group called Independent, I did not want to be identified with it.

When you read or see the news, each representative is typically identified along with his party.  All you hear from the Democrats and the Republicans candidates in an election or during the vote on a new bill, is the need to be bi-partisan and their ability to reach across the aisle. Quite often, the reaching across the aisle requires some "incentive" from the other party to consider the bill.  This is EXACTLY why I don't want to be associated with any organized party.

Nothing frustrates me more than when I hear a vote is to be taken in the Assembly or Senate but the vote is being postponed until they can check on how everyone will vote.  What a bunch of baloney sausage.  Why do you need to twist someone's arm or promise them pork if they vote the way  the Party wants them to vote?  That sounds like intimidation or bribery to me.  Therefore, my party affiliation is "None" but I am listed as an Independent.  Most importantly, I do not want to be beholden to any party and am proud to be independent without any of the restrictions imposed by the party officials.